Title: Mastermind-
An accountability group that holds your feet to the fire
Date: Every 2nd Monday of the Month
Time: 12:00-1:00 PM CDT
We all need our heat to the fire sometimes, and this mastermind group promises to do just that! If you are new in your business or find yourself spinning with all there is to do, join this mastermind group.
This group is for coaches who are growing their business and would benefit from a supportive environment where you can slow down, get strategic and move forward in developing your business.
Consistency and accountability are key! Can’t make it? Reach out to Amber Christensen to find out details about the next meeting.
Members- Free!
All Mastermind groups are included in your annual membership.
Non-Members / Guests- $10
We are opening this session up to guests, so please feel free to invite your circle of coaches who may benefit!
1 Resource Development
Amber Christensen